The Happy Cyclist
The Happy Cyclist

Your cycling service in Luxembourg

Our client, The Happy Cyclist, is dedicated to ensuring every ride is smooth and enjoyable. They not only offer top-notch bicycle repairs and maintenance but also foster a community centered around sustainable cycling and its social benefits.

By integrating a sustainable visual approach, a user-friendly and SEO-optimized website, engaging social media content, and impactful videos, we helped The Happy Cyclist promote a community of happy, sustainable cyclists in Luxembourg.

Visual Universe

A visual universe
Rooted in Sustainability.

Given the sustainability focus of The Happy Cyclist's services, we developed friendly illustrations and a color palette based on sustainable colors. This visual approach not only reflects their commitment to the environment but also creates an engaging and welcoming brand identity.

Web design

A website designed
for control and responsiveness.

We created a WordPress website for The Happy Cyclist, empowering them with maximum control over their projects. The fully responsive site includes all necessary functionalities, with content structures tailored for both private customers and B2B clients. We designed a series of icons in line with the overall look and feel of the graphic chart, enhancing the user experience. Additionally, the site is optimized for SEO and integrated with Google Kit, providing comprehensive insights into access data.

The Social Media

Social Media supports.

For The Happy Cyclist's social media presence, we crafted detailed carousels that clearly explain their offerings for both B2B and B2C audiences. These posts are designed to be informative and engaging, helping them connect with a wider audience and promote their services effectively.

Social media-Mockup

Storyboard to screen
Crafting impactful videos.

Before producing two motion graphic videos for The Happy Cyclist, we developed compelling storytelling and detailed storyboards. The final videos are simple to watch yet rich in detail, emphasizing not only their services but also the philosophy behind The Happy Cyclist. These videos help convey their message and vision effectively, engaging viewers and potential customers.

A captivating project with a creative concept and a visual identity based on dynamic illustrations and color play.”
Timothé - UI/UX Designer
Image of Co2 neutral label