
2023 Sustainability Report: A Digital and Modern Approach

Banque Raiffeisen, one of the country's leading cooperative financial institutions, commissioned us to create their second non-financial report for 2023. This document highlights the bank's sustainability strategy and demonstrates how their initiatives align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Interactive PDF
with Seamless Navigation.

For our first time working on Banque Raiffeisen's Sustainability Report, we introduced innovative ideas to create a truly digital experience.

While many digital documents and PDFs are still designed like printed brochures, featuring vertical pages on double spreads, we envisioned this PDF as an interactive experience, similar to a website.

This approach allows users to navigate quickly between chapters.

By combining innovative digital design with a focus on authenticity and adherence to brand guidelines, we created a unique and engaging Sustainability Report for Banque Raiffeisen. This approach not only highlights their commitment to sustainability but also provides an interactive and
user-friendly experience for their readers.

The Design

Adherence to Brand Guidelines.

Our client emphasized the importance of keeping the report focused on facts and content, with minimal emphasis on design. Therefore, we maintained a classic design approach, staying true to the Raiffeisen Branding Guidelines. This ensured the report remained professional and aligned with the bank's established image.


Banque Raiffeisen ESG Report 2023 - Internal pages.


Banque Raiffeisen ESG Report 2023 - Main navigation.


Banque Raiffeisen ESG Report 2023 - Icons.


The personal touch.

To add a personal touch, we prioritized using imagery of actual employees and members of Raiffeisen Bank instead of generic stock photos.

We organized an internal photo shoot featuring real employees of the bank, showcasing the genuine faces behind the bank's initiatives.

It was an interesting process to develop a 100% digital interactive PDF that resembles the functionalities of a website.”
Céline - Designer
Image of Co2 neutral label